Public procurement: how does the Bundeskartellamt work? What are some tasks/duties of the Bundeskartellamt?

Just to say some of those: enforcement of the ban on cartels, control of abusive practices and merger control, review of award proceedings of the Federation and award proceedings of public contracting entities attributable to the Federation.

Was is a federal public procurement tribunal?

Currently, two federal public procurement tribunals are established at the Bundeskartellamt. Here applications for review proceedings on the basis of Sections 160 ff of the German Act against Restraints of Competition (German Competition Act, GWB) take place. Public procurement tribunals of the respective federal states (Länder) are competent for public contracts falling within the scope of responsibility of the german Länder (Sections 155 ff GWB).

Public procurement law

Public procurement law ensures that public contracts are awarded in competitive, transparent and non-discriminatory procedures.


Further information about the federal public procurement tribunals can be discussed with our procurement law specialized attorney Mrs. Karoline Behrend.