Sub-threshold Procurement: Legal Considerations and Procedure

By horak Lawyers

Sub-threshold procurement refers to public contracts whose estimated value falls below the EU thresholds for mandatory EU-wide tendering. Even though these contracts do not require adherence to EU procurement directives, they are still subject to principles of transparency, competition, and non-discrimination. The specific procedures and regulations are governed by national laws of the respective member…

Indicative Tenders and Negotiations

By horak Lawyers

Indicative Tenders and Negotiation: What do you need to know? Is is possible to negotiate and round up indicative bids after your company has won the tender? Let’s have a look at this tribunal proceeding (BayObLG, Decision of 03.06.2022 – Verg 7/22):   Tribunal Decision of 03.06.2022 Award 7/22 (1) The contracting authority may organise…

War-Related Procurements: Germans Procurement Reaction

By horak Lawyers

Facilitations under public procurement law for war-related procurements The situation in Ukraine is keeping us with bated breath. Never before have we realised how everything in our modern world is connected like a jigsaw puzzle, and never before have we realised that if one piece of the puzzle is lost, nothing fit anymore. As in…

Awarding Contracts above EU Thresholds

By horak Lawyers

For tenders/awards above the threshold values, the so-called GWB public procurement law applies. This latter is based on the implementation of corresponding requirements in EU directives: Act against Restraints of Competition (GWB) – Part 4. The basics of public procurement law above the threshold are contained in Part 4 of the Act against Restraints of…