Public procurement is an important economic factor and a significant field of activity for companies. Almost every company is eligible as bidder, as the procurement requirement cover goods and services of almost all sectors of the economy. Participation in European, national or regional tenders it is possible and it may be considered.

German fundamentals for Public Procurement Law

The legal foundations of public procurement are contained in the:

  • Act against restriction of competitions (GWB, Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen),
  • Regulation on the award of public contracts (VgV, Vergabeverordnung),
  • Sector Regulation (SektVO, Sektorenverordnung),
  • Award and contract regulations (VOB, VOL). The VOB regulated the awarding of construction services, the VOL the awarding of goods. The VOF used to regulate awarding of freelance services but has been canceled after the 2016 Reform.
  • National/Regional Budgetary Law,
  • Bundesländer Procurement Law,
  • Numerous European Directives.

What can we do for you?

We will examine and support your tendering from the planning stage through the awarding of the contract, all the way up to the execution and termination of the so-called performance.
We will advise and represent you also in public or judicial tendering procedures before Public Procurement Tribunals.


What do we need in order to deal with your questions?

We normally have to know exactly which services are to be awarded, with which total value, at which conditions or if they have already been issued. Further details must be clarified in regard with your individual case.